
Scuola di Robotica

Scuola di Robotica

24/04/2012 - Lectures, Events

Uploaded here Fiorni, Siciliano and Gelin's presentations given at the Workshop on Educational Robotics

Uploaded here Fiorni, Siciliano and Gelin's presentations given at the Workshop on Educational Robotics
Reading time Reading time: 1 minute

We have uploaded some of the talks given at the Workshop on Robotics in Education, European Robotics Forum, Odense (Denmark), March 6th, 2012. Paolo Fiorini, Bruno Siciliano and Rodolphe Gelin's presentations here.

March 6th, 2012: Workshop on Robotics in Education
European Robotics Forum, Odense (Denmark), 5-7 March, 2012

In the frame of the European Robotics Forum (Odense, Denmark, 5-7 March, 2012) , organized by the European robotic networks EURON, EUROP, the euRobotics Coordination Action and hosted by The Danish Technological Institute, a Workshop on Robotics in Education,  took place with the following Program:

15: 30 Introduction: Bruno Siciliano, Faculty of Engineering, University of Naples

15:40 Paolo Fiorini, Center for Experimental Surgical Robotics, Verona:
From LEGO to KUKA youBot, a new education path in service robotics
16:00 Emanuele Micheli, School of Robotics:
Verticality and continuity in educational robotics’ programming languages
16:20 Rodolphe Gelin, Aldebaran: Humanoid robots for education
16:40 David Cuartielles, Arduino: The Arduino Platform for Robotics
17:00 Bruno Siciliano:
The Master's on Robotics and Intelligent Systems at University of Naples Federico II
17:20 Niccolò Casiddu, University of Genoa:
Design and Robotics for people with special needs: An academic experience
17:40 Conclusions.

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