06/03/2012 - Lectures, News
Bilbao, March 13th, 2012: Operto, Micheli at Bilbao Creativity Meeting Point
Reading time: 0.5 minutes
Creativity Meeting Point is an international forum of creative industries which takes place every year in Bilbao. The 4th edition of the Forum will take place the 13, 14 and 15 of March 2012. Operto and Micheli speak on the 13th about "Robotics and Well-Being".
Creativity Meeting Point - 2012 Edition - is the annual encounter in which the best practices on creativity and innovation get together for 3 whole days. We offer you a meeting point between local creative people and the best practices around the world.
Creativity Meeting Point in its fourth edition will dive in the world of Robotics, Creative Industries, Design, Serious Games, Entrepreneurship and Coworking as our main themes, hosting the Creative Trade Mission, which is an exchange of entrepreneurs coming from all over Europe to share all the experience they have with all of us.
Creativity Meeting Point's website: http://creativitymeetingpoint.com/