25/10/2011 - Lectures, Events, News
Torino, 25-28 ottobre, Scuola di Robotica a VIEW Conference.
Reading time: 0.5 minutes
VIEW Conference – Italy’s leading digital media conference featuring computer graphics inventers, practitioners, and visionaries gathering in Italy for four days of inspirational talks, extraordinary educational workshops, and astounding visual and audio experiences. School of Robotics is been invited - as Media Partner - to attend, on its stand and with its laboratories.
VIEW Conference
Torino, 25 - 28 ottobre 2011, at TorinoIncontra, Via Nino Costa 8 - 10123 TORINO
School of Robotics, as VIEW Conference's Media Partner, is attending from 25th to 28th of October, with laboratories about 3D CAD parametric technology (AUTODESK INVENTOR); with a School of Robotics stand, and with a Lecture by Emanuele Micheli devoted to "Robotics Design and differently-abled users" (see http://viewconference.it/emanuele-micheli)