
Scuola di Robotica

Scuola di Robotica

09/02/2011 - Events

RomeCup is back! 14-16 March, 2011, in Rome, Italy. Award Cerimony at Capitol Hill!

RomeCup is back! 14-16 March, 2011, in Rome, Italy. Award Cerimony at Capitol Hill!
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RomeCup's Fifth Edition unravels from March 14th to 16th. Many more laboratories, conferences and.. competitions. Free application!

The 2010 edition of RoboCup Jr. in Italy saw the victory of Genoa Itis Calvino’s team and of Treviglio Itis “Mozzali”’s team. The two teams won a price which allowed them to go to the Shangai RoboCup. The 2011 edition is located in Istanbul, Turkey, 5-11 July, 2011.

RomeCup 2011, located in Roma, Italy, will hosts the selections for Soccer Jr. and Dance. The School of Robotis is the Italian representative for Dance. Emanuele Micheli is willing to support any team who would like to participate. (

This year RomeCup is even richer than the previous editions. During the three days (14-16 of March, 2011) participants will be offered a Program of laboratories, classes, onferences, and, of course.. live competitions!


RoboCupJunior is a project-oriented educational initiative for students up to the age of 19. It is a new and exciting way to understand science and technology through hands-on experiences with electronics, hardware and software. RoboCupJunior also offers oportunities to learn about teamwork while sharing ideas with friends. The development of study materials and innovative teaching methods are among RoboCupJunior's aims.

All students are welcome to join this competition, regardless of their experience in robotics.
Age Regulations

RoboCupJunior is targeted for primary and secondary school students. There is no fixed minimum age, but primary students are expected to be able to read (and hence write programs for their robots) on their own, without significant help from adult mentors. Students over age 19 are not allowed on RoboCupJunior teams. The division between the primary and secondary age categories is 14 years old. Teams with all student members age 14 and under are considered primary. Teams with any student member over age 14 must be secondary. Declaration day is the 1st of July.

RoboCupJunior comprises soccer, dance, and rescue challenges.

For more information, please check the league's official wiki:

Romecup website


MondoDigitale, Robocup