08/02/2011 - Courses for Teachers, Classes for Students
A 3-years project in Avezzano (Abruzzo Region) on Educational Robotics

Thanks to a three-years funding by the Micron Foundation, a triennal project on Educational Robotics just started at the vocational school Majorana (Avezzano, Abruzzo Region). It is the first Italian project on Educational Robotics with a time span of three years.
The Micron Foundation supported a three-years educational project on robotics in Avezzano, Abruzzo Region.
The School of Robotics is the Scientific partner, and the Avezzano ITIS "Majorana" the selected school for trining corse for teachers and students.
The project is organized along the following plan.
The first year is devoted to the knowledge of the elements of Educational robotics for a high school. Furthermore, because in a technical school robotics&automation are not only educational tools, but also educational subjects (mechatronics, electronics, computer science) the course foresees elements of programming in several programming languages.