31/01/2011 - Events, News
European drawing competition to reward girls’ creativity about the future technologies

The National Innovation Office (Hungary), the European Commission’s Directorate General for Information Society and Media (DG INFSO) and the European Centre for Women and Technology (ECWT) are pleased to announce that under the Hungarian EU Presidency 2011 a European drawing competition for girls around the theme of “European girls draw the future of ICT (information and communication technologies)” will be organized.
The aim of the competition is to encourage creativity in the field of new technologies and highlight the importance of developing innovative skills at an early age.
Girls aged 6-16 from all schools in the 27 EU member states can participate in this competition.
There will be two age categories:
* one for 6-12
* one for 13-16 year old girls.
Only individual students can submit an entry. No entries from groups of students or classes will be accepted. Each student may only submit one entry. They can work in the classroom or work on their own.
Entries can focus on two issues:
* What would be interesting or fun to do on your computer / Internet that you cannot do right now?
* What type of new ICT (information and communication technology) tool would you like to see to help you and your family’s life?
Girls will have the opportunity to bring together ICT skills and artistic expression. They can create any piece of art by a technique of their choice (drawing, painting, digital art, collage) on the topic of the competition. The works should not be bigger than size A4.
Procedure of submission:
All entries have to be sent by e-mail to: competition@nih.gov.hu
Girls can submit their contribution scanned or as a photo. The application form must be filled out in English or Hungarian and signed by parent or guardian to be valid. The two files should be zipped, if possible. The application form can be found at the end of this document. The attached drawing / painting should not be bigger than 5 Megabytes.
The contribution must have a jpg format and the name of the file should look as follows: AnnaM_14_Hungary.jpg (first name, initial of the last name, the age and the country of origin)
Deadline of submission: 20th February 2011.
No submissions will be accepted after the deadline.
Process: The evaluation process will be carried out by four persons (pedagogical experts and representatives of the organizers) having the necessary understanding of the school environment and pupils’ skills in the fields requested in the competition.
The main evaluation criteria will be:
* creativity, originality, clarity of the message
* technical quality (layout, composition, style, colour, etc.).
The judges’ selection is final and no discussion will be entered into in relation to this decision.
The evaluation process will start immediately after the deadline in February 2011.
Winning projects:
There will be four winners and four runners-up. The winners and the runners-up will be informed by e-mail 25th February 2011 latest.
Announcement of the prize and winning entries
The winning contributions (with the first name, first letter of surname, age and country of applicant) will be published on the competition's website www.asszisztencia.hu/ntit/competition, and will be exhibited on 7-8 March 2011 in the building of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the venue of the high-level conference hosting the Prize-Award Ceremony.
The winners and the runners-up will be invited together with one adult (to accompany them to Budapest) to participate in the Prize-Award Ceremony.
The Prize-Award Ceremony of the competition will take place on 7 March 2011 in Budapest, during the high-level EU Presidency Conference Women in Science, Innovation and Technology in the Digital Age. The organizers will cover and arrange the travel expenses (airplane ticket) and the one night stay in a hotel (double room) for the winners and runners-up and one accompanying teacher or parent for each.
After the ceremony the winners will visit the Palace of Miracles (Csodák Palotája) – Science and Technology Centre in Budapest.
In case of any questions or comments please contact Virág Vántora (National Innovation Office, Phone: +36 1 484 2567 e-mail: virag.vantora@nih.gov.hu)