03/09/2007 - Events
School of Robotics at the “Festival of the Mind”

In the framework of the Festival of the Mind 2006, which will take place in ligurian city of Sarzana from 1st to 3rd of September 2006, School of Robotics will organize special activities for kids. The Festival of Mind, at its 3rd Edition, brings together a number of the leading speakers in the field of creativeness in its several expressions: novelists, musicians, architects, art directors, actors, sportsmen, scientists, philosophers.
In the framework of the Festival of the Mind 2006, which will take place in ligurian city of Sarzana from 1st to 3rd of September 2006, School of Robotics will organize special activities for kids. The Festival of Mind, at its 3rd Edition, brings together a number of the leading speakers in the field of creativeness in its several expressions: novelists, musicians, architects, art directors, actors, sportsmen, scientists, philosophers.