
Scuola di Robotica

Scuola di Robotica

18/10/2010 - Events, News

School of Robotics at Genoa Science Festival 2010

School of Robotics at Genoa Science Festival 2010
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In the frame of Genoa Science Festival 2010, School of Robotics is involved in five differents events/exhibition, related to the following topics: Educational Robotics classes for children; Roboethics; the Exhibition "From animal's mimetism to robotics"; Robot Wars; and Educational robotics classes in Hospital Schools.

 Genova Science Festival, 29h of October - 7th of November 2010.

Exhibitions, laboratories, shows and special events: Science Festival holds hundred  of events that will explore the planet of science from every angle. Science and education meet in a range of "hands-on" experiments in natural science, physics, chemistry, and astronomy laboratories Next edition will focus on the theme of Horizons.

In the frame of the Science Festival 2010, School of Robotics is organizing the following event and exhibition.

The Art of Imitation. From animal's mimetism to robotics. Castello De Albertis (October 29th - November 30th).

Robots imitating insects's behavoiur.

Info here:


Little roboticists grow up.. (Firpo Civic Library, November 2nd and 4th, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 pm (free laboratory).


Conference: Robot Wars (The Ducal Palace, Great Council Hall, November 5th, 3:00 p-m.

Gianmarco Veruggio, Noel Sharkey
Shared ethics for the regulation of military robots

Military robots are ever more used in combat and over 40 countries in the world spend millions of dollars each year to study ever more lethal machines.These developments are unknown to the general public and are described as standard technology evolution, although the number of experts warning about the implicit problems related to military robotics is increasing. Analyzing these facts with dramatic documents, we learn about robots that in the future will be able to act autonomously, targeting and killing humans. A violation of the Geneva Convention and of war laws. Is it conceivable and ethical to give robots the license to kill?  Mobile telephone: 329 22 89 986 -- or 348 09 61 616

Official website of Science Fest in Genoa


Roboethics, Robot@scuola, Science&Society