
Scuola di Robotica

Scuola di Robotica

15/09/2010 - Lectures, News

The Mechanization of Hempathy in Health Care, Workshop, Bergamo, 17-18 September 2010

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Workshop Organized by the University of Bergamo ,and by the Ritsumeikan University Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences, Ritsumeikan Center for Ars Vivendi.

The 2nd Workshop: The Mechanization of Empathy in Health Care

Organizers: Global COE Program Ars Vivendi (Ritsumeikan University), Research Center for Ars Vivendi (Ritsumeikan University), Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences (Ritsumeikan University), Centro di Ricerca Interdisciplinare su Scienze Umane, Salute e Malattia (CRISUSM) & Scuola di Dottorato in Antropologia ed Epistemologia della Complessità (Università degli Studi di Bergamo)
(Luisa Damiano, Paul Dumouchel, Yoko Matsubara & Stefano Tomelleri)

The Mechanization of Empathy in Health Care is the title of a first workshop which took place in January 2009 at Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto and was dedicated to the analysis of transformations produced by technology in the relations between workers and patients in contemporary healthcare. The wealth of reflections that emerged from this first meeting encouraged us to organize a second one on the same theme. While the first one focused on the transformation of the relation of empathy when it is massively mediated by technology, this second workshop want to throw more specific light on the way in which this technical mediation affects the social and affective relations between patients, doctors and those who are close to them.

Just like the first meeting this second one is also thought as a space of exchange and discussion between research groups that face the same theme and object but in very different geographical places, Italy and Japan. More importantly, this physical distance also corresponds to an important socio-cultural diversity that is visible in different attitudes to the evolution of technology and its impact in the domain of healthcare.

Second meeting of the workshop The Mechanization of Empathy in Health Care which will last two days, will be held at the University of Bergamo. For reasons of convenience the language of the workshop will be English as it was the first time. The first part of the workshop will be dedicated to the effect of technology on the life of patients, especially those who are afflicted by chronic diseases or by illness in terminal stage, the second half will be on the use of robots in therapeutic context.

The Workshop is held at the University of Bergamo, via Pignolo 123 , Room  6.

The Program and all the other information, in the below pdf file.

(0.29 MB)


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