
Scuola di Robotica

Scuola di Robotica

20/09/2010 - Events, News

School of Robotics at the Researchers'Night, September 24th, Rome and Bolzano

School of Robotics at the Researchers'Night, September 24th, Rome and Bolzano
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The Researchers's Night is an important initiative of the European Community, promoting among general public the value of scientific research. This year, 2010, the Night of conferences, seminar, scientific demos will be held simultaneously in over 260 cities in 31 European and Mediterranean countries. The School of Robotics takes part in it in Roma (in collabvoration with the CNR) and Bolzano.

"If you thought that research was all about lab coats and Bunsen burners, think again. Like everyone else, researchers come from numerous backgrounds, have diverse interests and pursue a spectrum of hopes and dreams. One thing they all have in common is a passion for research – and they want to share it with you. The European Commission’s ‘Researchers in Europe’ (RIE) initiative allows citizens to get closer to our researchers and gives a face to European research".

The event, promoted by the European Commission, aims at giving citizens the opportunity to meet researchers, reinforcing the relationship between science, school and society and encouraging young people to explore the world of research.

The School opf Robotics will be part of the Researchers'Night in Roma and Bolzano.

Rome, CNR's Eventolight,  Planetario, Museo della Civiltà Romana, via Giovanni Agnelli 10, Roma.
24th - 25th, from 5pm to 1 a.m. Here the General Program of the Rome's Researchers Night.

Bolzano: there, the Researchers'Night is organized by EURAC, TIS, and the Free University of Bolzano. All over the city of Bolzano, there wil be 140 spots with scientific demo, games and laboratories. Come and see the School of Robotics' s robots in town!

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CNR, Dissemination, Robot@scuola