13/01/2020 - News
NAO Challenge: the Semifinal in Milan on 10 February 2020 for teams without NAO
On February 10, 2020 in Milan, at the MUBA, the Children's Museum, the first Semifinal of the NAO Challenge for teams without NAO takes place.
NAO CHALLENGE 2020: Arts&Cultures
The 120 teams registered for the NAO Challenge 2020, coming from all over the country, are preparing their scientific projects and completing the tests at their schools.
The registered teams have already identified a museum or cultural heritage site to adopt, and through the use of the NAO robot, they will help to raise awareness even more.
In fact, the NAO Challenge's mission 2020 requires the NAO robot to be used to raise awareness and enhance an Italian cultural heritage.
The 45 teams belonging to schools that do not have NAOs have prepared the presentation videos of their scientific project (currently being evaluated by the jury) to be admitted to the semi-finals.
On February 10, 2020, in Milan, the first Semifinal will be held for teams without NAOs. It will be held in Milan, at the MUBA, Museo di Bambini, via Besana 12 (https://www.muba.it/it).
The teams that will present themselves in Milan have identified (and collaborated with) the following cultural heritage sites:
Franco Fossati Foundation, Spazio WOW, Comics Museum.
Gruppo Astrofili Deep Space - Planetarium of Lecco
A.N.P.I. Lecco
Si.M.U.L. (Sistema Museale Urbano Lecchese)Educational services
Sforza Castle
Red Cross San Donato Milanese
Mudec, museum of cultures