09/01/2020 - Classes for Students, FIRST® LEGO® League
Genoa, workshops for girls and boys at FIRST® LEGO® League Italia.

During the FIRST® LEGO® League Italia, Regional Qualifications of the North-West (Genoa, Istituto Nautico, 25 and 26 January 2020), Scuola di Robotica organizes workshops for students.
On 25th and 26th January 2020 will take place in Genoa, at the Istituto Nautico San Giorgio, in Calata Darsena, the North-West Regional Qualifications of the FIRST® LEGO® League Italia.
For any information about FLL Italia, please visit the official website: http://fll-italia.it/fll_home.jsp
During the FIRST® LEGO® League Italia at the Istituto Nautico, Scuola di Robotica organizes workshops for girls and boys, listed below. To enrol, click on the link to the course or courses you wish to attend and follow the instructions.
1. Explore your city - Laboratory with the LEGO EV3
Our cities and the way we move is changing radically. We travel together through a world of autonomous vehicles built and programmed by us.
TO ENROLL: https://www.eventbrite.it/e/biglietti-esplora-la-tua-citta-laboratorio-con-il-lego-ev3-86682428477?mc_cid=defe558653&mc_eid=88eb2638f0
2. CleanerBot - Laboratory with LEGO WeDo 2.0
Can robots help us make our cities cleaner and more sustainable? We think, design and program the robots that will be our allies in the cities of the future.
TO ENROLL: https://www.eventbrite.it/e/biglietti-cleanerbot-laboratorio-con-il-lego-wedo-20-86679387381?mc_cid=defe558653&mc_eid=88eb2638f0
3. Robomusic, master! - Laboratory with LEGO EV3
A journey into the world of music and robots. We encode melodies using colored sequences and create a robot that is able to reproduce them.
TO ENROLL: https://www.eventbrite.it/e/biglietti-robomusica-maestro-laboratorio-con-il-lego-ev3-86681148649?mc_cid=defe558653&mc_eid=88eb2638f0
4. Moving into the future - Laboratory with LEGO WeDo 2.0
How will we move in the cities of the future? Let's imagine and design our futuristic vehicle, using Scratch 3 to animate its movements thanks to a controller built with the LEGO WeDo 2.0 robotic kit.
TO ENROLL: https://www.eventbrite.it/e/biglietti-muoviamoci-nel-futuro-laboratorio-con-il-lego-wedo-20-86680556879?mc_cid=defe558653&mc_eid=88eb2638f0