10/12/2019 - Projects
SUN II project and app: for a responsible use of new media and of the socials

The SUN II project has reached many teachers and students in Liguria and, through the SUN App, throughout Italy. Attached you can find in the documentation the activities carried out at the schools and the Teatro Forum.
Presented at the Salone degli Orientamenti 2019 (Genova, 12-14 Novembrer 2019) is available the application developed as part of the project S.U.N. Smart Use of Network, promoted by the Liguria Region in partnership with the Department of the Postal and Communications Police of Liguria and the Regional School Office, in collaboration with the School of Robotics, Prof. Elena Bassoli, lawyer, expert in Computer Law and Dr. Paola Vidotto, expert in Communication.
The App is divided into sections and contains practical information on the most common risks associated with the unaware use of the network, a thematic dictionary, an interactive story and useful references of subjects to contact in case of need. It can be downloaded from the following links on the two Stores:
iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/sun-smart-use-of-network-2ed/id1469800049?ls=1
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=sun2.scuoladirobotica.it
The App was designed for young people, with a language and images designed for them, but it very useful to schools, families, educational centers.
It is a tool that contains a lot of useful information for adults. It is a helpful tool for operators and parents who are interested and for those who work with young people. A brief summary of the structure of the App.
You can follow the SUN App on this clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dzg0mpkAJI
The App has 4 sections.
1. Home and project description
2. Safety&Security (more descriptive part)
- interactive quiz
- network and legal terminology
- reference to the law
3. Do It Yourself
- children's stories and reading stories
- new professions (classification of 8 current and emerging job profiles)
- Diary
- Memory (based on new profiles)
4. Help (who can help me)
- before navigating (good practices)
- contacts (from friends to institutions and references)
- tools (how to move in case of...)
For information: Dr.ssa Stefania Operto, Andrea Fui:
Tel. +39 347 9132151