30/10/2019 - Projects
European Robotics Week: more than 1000 events announced

Brussels, 26 October 2019 - One month before the start of European Robotics Week 2019 (ERW2019), some 700 interactive robotics events for the public have already been announced. More than 1000 events are expected in Europe.
With opportunities arising from Europe's digital transformation driven by new technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics, cloud computing and the blocking chain, the demand for ICT specialists is growing rapidly. In the future, 9 out of 10 jobs will require digital skills (source). Nevertheless, fewer women than men undertake ICT jobs and training: for every 1000 women, only 24 digital graduates (source). European Robotics Week (ERW) promotes e-skills for all to use anywhere, at school, university or at work, with an emphasis on inspiring girls to follow STEM careers.
What is happening in Europe?
Spain is the leader in the number of events, with over 240 activities announced, 200 of which will be organised in Catalonia's schools and colleges. Hisparob has announced an international collaboration with the Argentine Universidad Abierta Interamericana.
Italy has announced and published more than 170 events taking place throughout the country. The events cover almost all aspects of robotics applications, from school to surgery; from automation to theatre; from professional training to study seminars on the ethical, legal and social problems of advanced robotics.
In Germany, +70 events are taking place throughout the country. The vast majority of events are led by the First Lego League, which is also a focal point for events in neighbouring countries: Austria, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, and Poland.
Romania launches on 23 November the White Night of robots, which hosts several activities for the public organized by E-Civis (promoter of the initiative), the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Bucharest, the Panait Istrati County Library in Braila and Qube.
Since 2011, the European Robotics Week has encouraged robotics researchers, universities and industry to open their doors to the public to raise awareness of the impact robots can have in our society. In 2019, hundreds of activities were announced across Europe and beyond.
ERW2019 sees internationalisation outside Europe, with events organised in Tunisia, Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation.