10/10/2019 - News, Projects
Genoa, 11 October 2019, l'E.O. Ospedali Galliera for a active aging

Near the ticket office of the Acquario di Genova, the E.O. Ospedali Galliera on "active and healthy aging" with robots, wearable technologies, and innovative ideas.
Genova, near the ticket office of the Acquario, 11th of October 2019, h.9-13
A morning dedicated to innovation for the health of the elderly. And... with a humanoid robot that does gynasitic exercises with you
SILVER BUS (Galliera, AMT and CIELI) - Two AMT means will be available to citizens to test on board. All morning.
ROBOT "PEPPER" (School of Robotics) - Gymnastics and exercises for the third age together with the famous humanoid robot. Demonstrations at 9.30 a.m. and 11.00 a.m.
WEARING TECHNOLOGY (DISFOR) - Possibility of wearing accessories that allow you to understand the difficulty of movement in the frail elderly. Demonstrations at 10.00 a.m. and 11.30 a.m.
EFFICHRONIC, PRESTIGE, SELFY MPI - Projects dedicated to the over 65s. Attached, the poster.
Organised by the Department: geriatric care, orthogeriatrics and rehabilitation area; S.C. Quality, communication and training - E.O.Ospedali Galliera. In collaboration with AMT (Azienda Mobilità e Trasporti); CIELI (Italian Centre of Excellence on Logistics, Transport and Infrastructures of the University of Genoa); SIGOT (Italian Society of Hospital and Territory Geriatrics); University of Bari (Interdisciplinary Department of Medicine-DIM) and University of Genoa (Departments of Architecture and Design-DAD and Science of Training-DISFOR).