23/08/2019 - Classes for Students, News
Sarzana (La Spezia), 1 September 2019: School of Robotics at the Festival of the Mind
School of Robotics participates in the Festival of the Mind with the Zoo of robots, workshop for children and youth 8-13, and Didactically, seminar-laboratory for teachers.
with workshops for children and a seminar for teachers
1) Workshops for children
WHAT: educational robotics workshops for children. The robot zoo! Event 38
Animals in space? Of course... robotic animals! With the robot kits for budding scientists We Do 2.0 and using the programming software Scratch will build a zoo of robotic animals, trying to imagine and reproduce the behavior of these special characters and space.
WHERE: Sarzana, Festival of Mind, Talent Garden Sarzana hall C
WHEN: Sunday, September 1 at 15:00
FOR WHO: children and teenagers 8-13 years old
TO BUY THE TICKET: https://www.festivaldellamente.it/it/lo-zoo-dei-robot
2) Seminar for teachers: Didactically
WHAT: workshop seminar on educational robotics for teachers. Event 66
Educational robotics is a simple and practical approach to bring children and young people closer to coding and STEM subjects by combining learning, science and play. This workshop will present the most current teaching resources and technologies to innovate and bring students.
WHERE: Sarzana, Festival of the Mind, Talent Garden Sarzana room A 10
WHEN: Sunday, September 1, 10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
TO BUY THE TICKET: https://www.festivaldellamente.it/it/?p=13762
Andrea Germinario is a computer engineer. Since 2017 he has been working for the Scuola di Robotica in Genoa where he teaches courses for teachers and students in educational robotics and software development on humanoid robots. The School of Robotics is a training institution recognized by MIUR.