22/07/2019 - News, Projects
Olympics of Robotics The winning teams 2018 2019 at ERL

The winning teams of the Olympics of Robotics 2018-2019 have been guests in these days of the European Robotics League event in Italy.
The European Robotics League event to which the winning teams of the 2018-19 edition of the Olympics of Robotics were invited is an international robotics competition in which teams from universities around the world compete on a field that simulates a real environment, victim of a natural disaster.
In the ERL contest, undwerwater robots must map the underwater environment to detect injured and faulty pipes and send the code of the broken pipe to the mobile robots so that they can close the valve and stop the flow of pollutant material.
Students of the Olympics of Robotics teams were able to attend conferences given by world-renowned experts:
Dr. Shini Kawatsuma of Fukushima College presented the robots used for the ongoing remediation of the Fukushima nuclear power plant.
David Mackay of the Konsberg Group presented the robot Eelume, a modular snakerobot capable of remaining on the seabed for long periods of time, for the inspection and maintenance of underwater structures.
Dr. Bill Kirkwood (Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI)) presented the educational value of robotics competitions in school and university education.
The Italian students then presented their robots to the international jury, which asked many questions and greatly appreciated the quality of the work carried out by the teams. They participated:
Water category:
Team Hydrocarbot - Istituto d'Istruzione Superiore 'Fortunio Liceti', Rapallo (GE).
Air Category:
Team HeartQuake - Institute of Higher Education 'Galileo Galilei', Crema (CR)
Ground category
Team Giorgi - Istituto Tecnico Tecnologico 'Giovanni Giorgi', Brindisi
About the European Robotics League: https://www.eu-robotics.net/robotics_league/about/the-european-robotics-league/index.html