05/07/2019 - Classes for Students
Are you looking for a Summer Camp 2019 of robotics for your children? Here they are!
Here you can find the Summer Camps of robotics for children and teenagers, carried out by Scuola di Robotica in collaboration with some institutions, in various locations and for different ages.
Here you can find the Summer Camps of robotics for children and teenagers, carried out by Scuola di Robotica in collaboration with some institutions, in various locations and for different ages.
Are you looking for a Summer Camp of robotics for your children, grandchildren? Here are our Summer Camps, made in various cities and in collaboration with various organizations.
We list them in chronological order and by location.
HOW TO REGISTER TO SUMMER SCHOOLS FOR CHILDREN AND CHILDREN; GIRSL AND BOYS: you will find at the link below the form where you can choose the Summer School(s) of interest and all the information for registration.
RECALL: those who register in advance of the date get a discount.
Robotics has been in space for many years, thanks to robots Curiosity and Opportunity today, to Pathfinder and Soujourner years ago. Now the robots are landing in Chiavari!
Every day real missions will be carried out that will lead to the achievement of a certificate of "Space Robotics!".
WHERE: Wylab, Chiavari (Genoa)
FOR WHO: girls and boys aged 6-12 years
WHEN: 8/9/10/11/12 July 2019
Hours: from 09:00 to 13:00 (20 hours total/ 5 matches)
COST: €290 + VAT. To register: https://www.wylab.net/corsi/summercampcorsobase/
Every day there will be real missions that will lead to the achievement of a certificate of "Robotic Space!"
Lego Wedo 2.0 and Educational Robotics
WHERE: Emiliani College - Genoa Nervi
FOR WHO: Age: 6 - 11 years old
WHEN: 8 - 12 July 9.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
Costs: Early Discount for registrations before 30 June
€ 160 without accommodation
or € 230 without accommodation
ROBOT DAMARE: (ROBOTS TO LOVE; ROBOT FOR THE OCEAN) educational path for the protection of the sea from plastic pollution.
Become greener by using interactive technologies.
The course teaches how to respect the environment through innovative technologies, alternating digital stimuli, offering creative robotics activities and real experiences.
Classroom lessons with the support of interactive teaching handouts experiences with underwater robots at sea, creation of mini underwater robots and beach cleaning.
WHERE: Bogliasco, Genoa
WHEN: 15-17 July 2019
FOR WHO: boys and girls 6-11 years old
COST: Early Bird discount for registrations before June 7 € 300
After 7 June € 340
Lego Mindstorm EV3 and Pyton
In this course, designed for secondary school students who already know the LEGO MINDSTORM Ev3, you want to learn more about the use of Python with the EV3 system, compare it to the iconic software to understand when it is better to use one or the other.
WHERE: Collegio Emiliani, Genova Nervi
WHEN: 19-20 July 8.30 a.m. - 5.30 p.m.
FOR WHO: high school students
COSTS: 100 € before July 10, 140 € after
Update: The MADLAB MEGAMIX course at MadLab has been cancelled.