16/05/2019 - News, Projects
The National Network of Educational Robotics, Genoa) partner of the "Leonardo Visonario" project.

The National Network of Educational Robotic was selected to organize and manage the "Leonardo Visionario" seminars on Robotics.
Learning to fly between apprenticeships, enhanced learning environments and ICT 2019-2020
In the 500th anniversary of Leonardo da Vinci's death, the National Digital School Plan (PNSD) fielded the "Leonardo Visionary" project, a project in the field of national and international training courses, in presence and on line, on innovative teaching methods and on digital technologies in education. The laboratory days will take place in Varenna (they are in progress), Siena, Bologna and Genoa and involve the participation of 20 teachers from the north and central Italy.
The National Network of Educational Robotics, founded in Genoa three years ago thanks to the collaboration between the Istituto Nautico San Giorgio, the School of Robotics and about thirty primary and secondary schools, was selected to organize and manage the "Leonardo Visionario" seminars on Robotics, thought computing , STEM, making that will take place in Genoa in the fourth quarter of 2019. The teachers of the secondary school interested can write to: segreteria@itnautico.gov.it
GENOA, at Istituto Nautico San Giorgio
(fourth quarter 2019)
Recipients: Secondary school secondary school teachers
Theme: Robotics, computational thinking, STEM, making
Participants: 20 teachers for each province involved (Lecco, Bologna, Genoa)
The four training courses intend to explore the following topics:
Virtual reality and augmented reality,
flipped classroom,
collaborative learning,
integrated digital education and BYOD,
computational thinking,
digital skills,
employment and work,
school work relationship,
entrepreneurship and creativity,
school-work alternation,
adults and digital citizenship skills, FAD.
The leading and management partner is the IC “F. De Andrè "of Lecco, which proposed four training actions for the project:
Interregional / national residential training courses, particularly aimed at teachers from the north and central Italy:
1. National training workshop in Milan on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the death of Leonardo. Learning of STEM and STEAM. The teacher of learning environments. Learning in the atelier, the multiple intelligences of Gardner and the artisan laboratory. Collaborative learning. Leonardo teaches;
2. 4 interregional residential teaching laboratories (3 days) in Lecco, Siena, Bologna and Genoa Erasmus mode with expert teachers who deepen, create networks, produce products and continue their activity in MOOC mode;
3. National training laboratory in Florence where the results of the interregional laboratories are presented and shared.
Distance learning paths (only through MOOC methodology): Insights on disciplinary teaching with the use of ICT and augmented and virtual reality:
1. Sciences;
2. Art (music, painting, architecture);
3. History and Geography.