07/05/2019 - Courses for Teachers, Classes for Students
A Course on educational robotics? For your students, you, your children? Come to Dagobah, a robotics space for everyone
Dagobah is the headquarters of the School of Robotics in Genoa equipped for robotics courses with many robots. Register for our courses and matches for Dagobah!
Educational robotics laboratories in the Genoa headquarters, Dagobah
Dagobah is a planet and eponymous star system in the Star Wars movies The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. Master Yoda went into exile there after a lightsaber battle with Darth Sidious. In Dagobah the famous Jedi regained the Force.
Dagobah is also the name of the headquarters of the School of Robotics in Genoa where robotics laboratories are held in a classroom with 25 workstations and equipped with many robotic kits for every age (from 7 to 19 years).
You can book more days with your students, and even just one morning. It can be an opportunity to visit Genoa with the class, family and friends and book a morning of your children in our workshop.
Robotics School is a MIUR accredited Trainer and you can leave your children with us.
Write to us at: info@scuoladirobotica.it
Mestro Jedi Yoda: "You must unlearn what you've learned"
And we add: to understand it better and open up to new knowledge.