29/04/2019 - Events, News
Three performances of a pop Hamlet play

Italian actor Alessandro Bergallo, in collaboration with Andrea Begnini, played a pop edition of Hamlet with the Pepper robot as Yorick, during the inauguration of the Final of the NAO Challenge.
Three performances of a Hamlet pop with a robot
Alessandro Bergallo acted and performed three performances - written by Begnini and Bergallo - during the inauguration of the Final of the NAO Challenge (Zagarolo Innovation Center, Zagarolo, Rome, 13 April 2019).
Andrea Begnini and Alessandro Bergallo have set up a short edition of Shakespeare's Hamlet with two new features: the direct participation of the public and the addition of a singular actor, the robot Pepper, who played the role of Yorick, the jester's skull of court loved by Hamlet child. In the Shakesearian's play, Hamlet, now an adult andurged by the mission imposed on him by the ghost of his murdered father, finds Yorick's skull in the cemetery where they are burying the unfortunate Ophelia.
Alessandro Bergallo called the public to play the roles of the king Hamlet, father (murdered), Claudius (Hamlet's uncle, murderer of his father), Gertrude (Hamlet's mother, married to Claudius); of Ofelia, of Polonio (the councilor of court).
For the three performances, Bergallo - who represented his Hamlet three times, in the hall of the Innovation Center of Zagarolo Roma - dialogued with another singular actor, Pepper.
Pepper worked on the scene as a critical voice, speaking with Bergallo in some passages that have often snatched laughter from the audience.
Read the complete interview with Alessandro Bergallo here attached.