26/04/2019 - Courses for Teachers
A morning at the Department of Education of the University of Genoa with the Ligurian stakeholders of Educational Robotics

Teachers, parents, you are invited on Saturday 11 May 2019 at the Department of Education of the University of Genoa with the Ligurian stakeholders of Educational Robotics.
The Robotics Day will be devoted to:
- Compare between teachers and experts on the following topics (but not only) of educational robotics:
- Touching with hand: Scratch at School // Pocket Code: programming games with your mobile phone //
- Processing: visual art and scientific disciplines //
- Microbit: the BBC tool to develop creativity and computational thinking //
- Ozobot: a very social robot .
- And, The Nao robot as the Guest Syar to facilitate communication and inclusion
WHEN: 11 May 2019 Hours 9.30 to 13.30
WHERE: DISFOR - University of Genoa, Corso A. Podestà 2 –16128 Genoa, Aula Magna
FOR WHO: teachers, interested persons
HOW TO REGISTER http://bit.ly/sabato-robotico-iscriviti
Info: www.epict.it - info@epict.it