25/03/2019 - Events, News
The European and National projects of the School of Robotics

School of Robotics is partner in some European Projects (Erasmus plus) and is the leding partner in some National ones.
RoboIP: Robotics Over Internet Protocol
On 25th of March 2019 in Obidos, Portugal took place the multiplier event of the Erasmus plus project RoboIP: Robotics Over Internet Protocol (2016-1- TR01-KA202-034130) whose aim is to develop the cooperation between technical schools teachers, students, and the ICT and robotics companies.
No Gender Gap: A Set of competences for the professional development of the training curricula in women.
From 3rd to 5th of Aprile 2019 the second transnational meeting of the Erasmus plus project No Gender Gap will be taking place in Genova.
The project will offer a set of competences for the professional development of the training curricula in women. More specifically, No Gender Gap will aim at improving the attractiveness of the STEM disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) using robotics and automation, which have proven to be a means of successful involvement.
Also, digital literacy and critical thinking will be promoted, and the teachers involved will improve their professional competences through new methodological approaches.
SUN II, Education&Training phase
School of Robotics is the leading partner in a project funded by Liguria Region to prevent cyberbullying. 12 high chools schools in the Liguria Region will be offered classes on the SUN project (II edition).
SUN II (edizione 2018-2019) – SMART USE of NETWORK is a project funded by Liguria Region and promoted by the Ligiria Regional Educational Authority and by the Compartment od Postal Police Inspection Service, where School of Robotics is collaborating with teachers and students to design an app that can be used to counter cyberbullism.SUN aims are twofold: The first objective is to carry on laboratories based on the methodology of the Theathre of Oppressed, where facilitarors (tutors), utilizing interactive theater techniques, are able to make know to participants conficts and emotions. We used this technique during the SUN laboratories with students of some Liguria Region high schools. The second aim is to upgrade the SUN app, that was designed by the Montale High School students in Genova.
3T for Responsible use of Social Media
School of Robotics carried out courses on the responsible use of ICT and Social media to some 500 students of a secondary school in Genova.
3T project is funded by Carige Bank in Genova. Its Coordinator is Cooperativa Minerva. School of Robotics is the partner that carried out courses on a responsible and safe use of the new media and of the Internet.