10/04/2018 - News
First level university master's degree in EPICT - Coding and educational robotics for creativity

The DISFOR and DIBRIS Departments of the University of Genoa together with Scuola di Robotica and Ilabgenova Associations propose an annual university course (60 CFUs with value in the School rankings) to deepen the interconnection between the technical and pedagogical aspects of Coding and Robotics. At the end of the course, in addition to the University Diploma, the acquired competences are certified with the EPICT Gold Certification [www.epict.it].
First level university master's degree in EPICT - Coding and educational robotics for creativity
The DISFOR and DIBRIS Departments of the University of Genoa together with Scuola di Robotica and Ilabgenova Associations propose an annual university course (60 CFUs with value in the School rankings) to deepen the interconnection between the technical and pedagogical aspects of Coding and Robotics. At the end of the course, in addition to the University Diploma, the acquired competences are certified with the EPICT Gold Certification [www.epict.it].
Coding and computational thinking are embodied in app and robot construction. Through seminars and exercises, teachers acquire skills and competences, new ideas and working methods to be used with their students to create multimedia and innovative learning scenarios.
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For the academic year 2017/2018 at the University of Genoa, the first level Master's degree in "EPICT - European Pedagogical Certification on the Use of Digital Technologies - VII Edition: Coding and Robotics for Creativity" is being activated.
The motivation that led to the formulation of the proposal of the first level university master's degree "EPICT - European pedagogical certification on the use of digital technologies: "Coding and Robotics for creativity" (hereinafter referred to as the EPICT Master's) is in line with European and national guidelines on the development of education: the Declaration on Key Competences of Citizenship described in the European Commission document (Recommendation 18 December 2006), the National Plan for the Digital School in its previous versions and in the one of October 2015, the recent Framework on Digital Competences of Teachers (DigCompEdu), the specific and transversal areas indicated in the Plan for teacher training 2016 - 2019 - MIUR: Specific Area: Development of digital culture and media education", Transversal Area: 3 - Digital innovation in teaching and teaching.
The specific aim of the VII edition of the EPICT Master Course is to lead teachers to a solid competence in designing and conducting innovative teaching activities capable of developing in students that attitude to creativity and ingenuity, key elements of the new geography of the labour market.
The aim is to prepare teachers to carry out teaching activities aimed at the design and management of "educational scenarios built around robotics and educational electronics, logic and computational thinking, manual and digital artifacts, serious play and storytelling in a perspective of building transversal learning" (National Digital School Plan - PNSD - page 50).
The EPICT Master focuses on the pedagogical aspects deriving from the use of ICT and also on the specific use of particular robotic devices: the objective of the course is to activate a process of growth, awareness raising, skills acquisition with respect to the use of digital technologies in everyday professional practice. The concept of an experienced teacher in the field of educational robotics and coding will allow schools to rely on staff who can use robotic platforms and coding as teaching tools to enhance the teaching for skills.
Training Objectives The training objective of the EPICT VII Master is to acquire extensive and in-depth skills on all the elements that make up the digital competence of teachers. In particular, the course is on two levels: on the one hand it exercises the competence of using all types of digital tools to design and manage innovative, interactive and dynamic teaching activities capable of enhancing each student and encouraging him to creativity and ingenuity; on the other hand, the development of specific skills to build and program robots supports the development of competence for a complete professionalism of the teacher.
Employment Opportunities The possible occupations of the trained professional figure are mainly in the School sector, but also in companies specialized in ICT training, in companies, public bodies and universities active in ICT training; moreover, he can work as a professional with project collaborations and with self-employment contracts
Full text of the document and presentation of the Master attached