29/05/2018 - Classes for Students
New Scuola di Robotica summer camp 25-29 June, 2018.
We're preparing a summer camp for boys and girls in some Italian cities. The first summer camp we're currently working on is dedicated to children from 10 up to 13 years old, and it's called "Search and rescue robotics summer camp" it will take place in Genoa from 25-29 June, 2018. The first 10 participants will have the price discounted by 50€!
The 5 days lasting camp will run from 9:00 to 18:00 and will take place in Genoa in via Brenta 38 and will be about developement, building and programming robots to help us in search and rescue operations in critical conditions. The robots will be built using the LEGO MINDSTORM EV3 kit and will allow the participants to learn the basics of robotics developement and programming
The subscription price includes lunch and snacks for the rest of the day
To learn more here's the schedule in a few lines:
Day 1
First steps into robotics (this day will be propaedeutic, to learn the very basics using the LEGO EV3 robots)
Day 2
We will be talking about rescue sensors. The participants will be divided in 3 different groups in order to build various robots to act in rescue situations, for example: floodings, earthquakes, shipwrecks, tsunamis, etc.
Day 3
Field trip to gather materials that will be used in the different scenarios the robots will play in
Day 4
Building of the scenario and robots programming
Day 5
Demo creation to be showed to parents at the end of the summer camp
The subscription can be done on Eventbrite CLICKING HERE
Or via bank transfer
300 euros for the first 10 and 350 euros starting from the 11th (check status on Eventbrite)
bank transfer intested to Scuola di Robotica – Associazione Culturale Banca Prossima, Filiale 05000, p.zza Paolo Ferrari 10, 20121 Milano IBAN: IT60 F033 5901 6001 0000 0063 175 CAUSALE: Rescue2018 e il nome of the participant(s) Questions to: info@scuoladirobotica.it
After paying we ask you to fill in this link