15/03/2018 - Courses for Teachers
April 6, Udine: Robotics courses for teachers in concomitance with the Nao Challenge
Subscriptions to the courses that Scuola di Robotica will hold at the Istituto Bearzi April 6 2018 from 14:30 to 18:30 are now open. There will be 4 courses for teachers on coding, tinkering, robotics in the education field and humanoid robotics at school.
The courses will be recognised for teachers as training courses, being Scuola di Robotica an agency working with the MIUR, after an online verification check a document stating that said person has attended the course will be emitted.
Courses can be bought with "Carta del Docente" or on evenbrite.
Where: Istituto Salesiano Don Bosco, Don Bosco St., 2 in Udine.
When: Friday 6 April from 14:30 to 18:30
Below you will find the courses and the links to subscribe to them.
Here's the schedule:
"Coding: 4 ore di introduzione a Scratch", from 14:30 to 18:30, 35€ for the first 5 people and 50€ starting from the sixth.
Per iscriversi su SOFIA, clicca qui!
"4 ore con LEGO Mindstorm EV3", from 14:30 to 18:30, 35€ for the first 5 people and 50€ starting from the sixth
Per iscriversi su SOFIA, clicca qui!
"Robotinkering: workshop da applicare a scuola", from 14:30 to 18:30, 35€ for the first 5 people and 50€ starting from the sixth
Per iscriversi su SOFIA, clicca qui!
"Umanoidi a Scuola: come usarli nella didattica", from 14:30 to 18:30, 35€ for the first 5 people and 50€ starting from the sixth