16/01/2018 - Articles, News
Five questions on the Nao Challenge

The registration deadline for the competition on humanoid robotics has been extended to 31 January. We will explain how it works in five points
Five questions on the Nao Challenge
The registration deadline for the competition on humanoid robotics has been extended to 31 January.
We will explain how it works in five points
The Nao Challenge is an annual competition organized by the School of Robotics, in collaboration with SoftBank, launched for the first time in France in 2014, and landed in Italy in 2015 becoming the biggest event dedicated to humanoid robotics for secondary schools in the world.
The main objective of the competition is to increase students' awareness, motivate them and train them in the use of humanoid robotics with the help of multi-technological and innovative projects.
This competition is part of the teaching activities aimed at developing the spirit of initiative and innovation in students, as well as scientific and technological skills.
Registration is reserved for secondary school teams. (Non-school teams are not allowed)
Each school can register more than 1 team.
Each team consists of a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 10 students and must be accompanied by a teacher tutor *.
* each tutor can coordinate a maximum of 3 teams
The competition includes two categories:
Teams that do not own NAO
Teams that own NAO
The two categories are judged separately during the semi-finals and the national final and the winning teams of the semi-finals for each category will participate in the National Final.
1. Teams that DO NOT own NAO
Preparation for the race:
Test your program on a physical NAO: the teams will work on the NAO simulation software and will have the chance to test their program in turn on a physical NAO made available by SoftBank at Hosting Centers whose list will be published at the end of the registration.
If it is not possible to use a NAO at the hosting, the tests can be performed by remote connection with the technicians of the School of Robotics.
Race day:
For the whole day of the match and also for the heating the teams that do not have it will use a NAO made available by the Ambassador.
The winning team of the National Final wins an NAO and gains access to the European Final.
2. Teams that own NAO
Preparation for the race:
The teams will work with the school-owned NAO.
Race day:
In case of more teams participating in the competition during the competition day, they can use a NAO made available by the Ambassador.
The winning team of the National Final gains access to the Humanoid Challenge, the European robotic competition for humanoid robots.
For students:
Acquire technical and programming skills.
Develop problem solving, organizational and teamwork skills.
Develop creativity and communication skills.
Discover promising professions and careers.
Be involved in the development of robots that will become companions and assistants in our daily lives, thanks to applications that can be used daily.
Become part of a community of creators and developers in the field of new technologies.
For Teachers:
Arousing greater interest in science and technology
Capture the attention of students by offering stimulation to their imagination.
Experimenting with flexible learning methods within a didactics for skills
Free training in presence and online
For schools:
A tool to promote the values of innovation and excellence that characterize the institution at international media level.
For all participants:
The opportunity to meet the community of NAO users in addition to technical teams and engineers who will offer special assistance throughout the duration of the competition.
Discover all the charm of the world of robotics and the spirit of initiative and entrepreneurship that distinguishes it, a world that combines sense of humor, creativity and passion.
Where and when?
The Semifinals
Genoa – 17 February 2018: I.T.T.L. "San Giorgio"
Messina – March 3, 2018 to be defined: I.I.S. "Verona Trento"
Pozzuoli – 10 March 2018: Istituto Superiore Statale "Pitagora"
Florence – March 17, 2018:
Bolzano – 9 April 2018: Rainerum Institute
Udine - 7 April 2018: "G. Bearzi" Salesian Institute
The final
5 May 2018: Golinelli Bologna Foundation
- See more at: https://www.scuoladirobotica.it/it/homesdr/1077/Cinque_domande_sulla_Nao_Challenge.html#sthash.YfhhrdIU.dpuf