
Scuola di Robotica

Scuola di Robotica

06/04/2010 - Lectures

"Scientists and Students" - Conference on robotics " A Robot's friend"

"Scientists and Students" - Conference on robotics " A Robot's friend"
Reading time Reading time: 0.5 minutes

9 April 2010 - The lesson "A Robot's Friend" is focused on the introduction to robotics. The lesson is placed at "Leonardo Hall" at CNR of Genoa. Gianmarco Veruggio, CNR researcher and foundator of School of Robotics have to speak about robotics in the world and roboethics.

"Scientists and Students" is a project focused on the spread of the value of the research. A lot of students are involved all over Italy. Research scientists decided to spread their knowledge and they have organized a lot of conferences with the main topics "The future of the World".  Different Conferences are the final meeting of a one year long project based on educational purpose. Students studied the main topics of the conference, so the lesson is not only a lesson but i s a meeting to share information with researchers. 

In Genoa the main topic is Robotics. Gianmarco Veruggio, CNR-IEIIT researcher and founder of School of Robotics, have to speak about robotics in our world, and roboethics. 

School of robotics have to be present to use different educational robot. 

The official website of the project "Scientists and Students"
News on CNR Website


CNR, Robot@scuola