News from our Erasmus+ project - New Year 2018/19

Second training course in November 2018 in Genoa,ITALY:
"Introduction to IoT"
DENMARK, April 2018: Training on 3D printing at Create It Real
GERMANY, April 2018: New 3D printers for JKG Weil der Stadt.
GERMANY, July 2018: Project presentation at Daimler AG Sindelfingen
ITALY, Nov. 2018: Coding at Scuola di Robotica, Genoa
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This year has been very successful!
Thanks to everybody!
ROMANIA, Nov 2018: 3D printing workshop for teachers
GERMANY, Nov 2018: WeMakers at Mini MakerFair Sindelfingen
FRANCE, new hands for lots of kids
GREECE, Nov 2018: The 1st Vocational Lyceum at Korydallos, Athens, and the 23rd Gymnasium of Athens signed an agreement with EDUMOTIVA to become associated partners in the WEMAKERS project.  The 1st Vocational Lyceum at Korydallos started realising learning scenarios based on 3D printing in school classes.
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